Supreme Court of Western Australia

Single Judge Appeals

Decisions made in a court of summary jurisdiction may be appealed to a single judge of the Supreme Court sitting in the General Division. A single judge appeal (Form 20 Appeal Notice) may be filed in the Court’s civil or criminal jurisdiction.

A template of the Form 20 is located on the General Divisions Criminal Forms page. A certified copy of the Prosecution Notice and a copy of the Court Transcript should be filed with your Form 20 Appeal Notice. These documents must be requested from the relevant Magistrates Court.  

Examples of decisions that may be appealed to a include decisions from:

  • a Magistrate of the Magistrates Court of Western Australia
  • a Magistrate of the Children's Court of Western Australia
  • a Justice of the Peace or
  • a Member of the State Administrative Tribunal ('SAT').

An appeal against a decision of a Magistrate must be commenced no later than 28 days after the date of sentence. If you are late in commencing the appeal, at the time that you lodge the appeal notice you can ask the Court for an extension of time.

The Court has prepared a fact sheet on commencing a criminal appeal from a decision of a Magistrate.

Last updated: 21-Aug-2024

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