Starting or Defending an Action

It is helpful to have an understanding of the first steps in your action, whether you are commencing or defending an action. The fact sheet sets out information on:

  1. The time limits for starting an action
  2. Filing fees
  3. Which document to use to start your action
  4. Service of documents
  5. Entering an appearance if you have been served with a document to commence an action.

You have the option of taking these steps by filing documents using the Court’s electronic document system (eCourts), or by attending the Court’s registry or posting the documents. You can find the Registry’s location, opening hours and postal address in Contact Us

Supreme Court Registry

Much of your contact with the Court will be with Registry staff. It is important for you to understand what Registry staff can and can’t do to help you prepare your case. The most important point to remember is that Registry staff can’t give you legal advice. Please refer to the fact sheet for more information on services offered by the Supreme Court Registry.

Electronic document system

The court uses electronic filing in the civil jurisdiction. The Court’s electronic document system (EDS) is the eLodgment system on the eCourts Portal and is available for use by people representing themselves.

To become an eCourts user:

  1. Go to the eCourts Portal home page
  2. Read the terms and conditions
  3. Click on the Register link
  4. Complete and submit the registration form.

Registry staff are able to assist you register for the EDS and there are kiosk computers in the Registry for you to use if needed.

Last updated: 17-Feb-2021

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