Supreme Court of Western Australia

Useful Links

Commonwealth Courts

High Court of Australia
Information about the Court, which is the highest court in the Australian judicial system and which hears appeals from the Western Australian Court of Appeal, and court procedures.

Federal Court of Australia
Information about the court, which has jurisdiction conferred on it by legislation of the Australian Parliament, and court procedures.

State Courts

State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia
Information about the Tribunal, which is the primary place for the review of decisions made by the State government and local agencies.

District Court of Western Australia
Information about the District Court, which deals with serious criminal offences for which the maximum penalty is 20 years' imprisonment and civil claims up to $750,000. The District Court has unlimited jurisdiction in claims for damages for personal injuries and exclusive jurisdiction in regard to claims for damages for injury sustained in motor vehicle accidents.

Family Court of Western Australia
Information on the services of this court, which is vested with State and Federal jurisdiction in matters of family law and deals with divorce, property of a marriage or defacto relationship, matters relating to children, maintenance and adoptions.

Department of Justice

Department of Justice
Links to the various divisions of Western Australian Department of Justice.

Public Trustee
Links to range of PDF publications relating to the Public Trustee’s services, including guardian and administration orders; litigation and court trusts; wills; Enduring Powers of Attorney; Deceased Estate Administration and more.

Finding Legal Assistance

Citizens Advice Bureau

Community Legal Centres Association (WA)

WA Law Handbook

Legal Aid


Australasian Legal Information Institute. A comprehensive database of case law, legislation and secondary resources.

Australian Law Online
Access to law and justice related information and services from all levels of government.

Francis Burt Law Education Programme
Information on the history and educational services of this unique Western Australian law museum.

Law Society of WA
Information about the organisation, which is a voluntary association of lawyers who assist one another in the practice of law, assist the community by advocating for justice, providing education about the law and facilitating access to legal services.

Legal Aid WA
Information on the aims and services of the organisation, which is an independent statutory body set up by the Legal Aid Commission Act 1976 to provide information, advice and other legal help.

Legal Costs Committee
The Committee reviews scales of legal costs and makes decisions (called Determinations) in areas of legal practice connected with, among others, the Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts. Scales of legal costs can be useful to members of the general public and may assist in the taxation of legal costs by taxing officers.

Legal Practice Board of Western Australia
The Legal Practice Board has statutory responsibility for the regulation of all legal practitioners of the State. It also regulates the issue of annual practising certificates. The Board assists the Supreme Court in the process of admission to practice.

Victim Services
Information about services available to victims of crime including child witnesses.

Last updated: 27-May-2022

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