If you have been called as a witness, please read your subpoena, notice to witness or witness summons carefully. The document or documents that you have received will give you important information about your rights and obligations as a witness.
You must attend court on the day and date stated in the subpoena or summons. The Supreme Court sits in three locations. Check the court listings published in this web site and in the West Australian Newspaper or ring the Court to find out which location and court you must attend. Information on the location of each site and parking is provided on the map.
Witnesses are not usually allowed into the courtroom after the hearing has started until they have given evidence but you will need to wait in the building until you are called. There are comfortable waiting areas on each floor of the David Malcolm Justice Centre and two dedicated witness rooms in the Stirling Gardens building.
When it is your turn to give evidence, your name will be called and a court officer will show you into the courtroom. You will be asked to go to the witness box and will need to remain standing until you take the oath or affirmation to tell the truth. After that, you may sit down while a lawyer asks you questions.
Further information is available on the Department of Justice website.
Last updated: 1-Mar-2019
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